Skeeter’s Lawn Care

Step onto the lush green canvas of possibilities. Picture your lawn transformed into a masterpiece. From the gentle hum of mowing to the precision of hedge trimming, we sculpt beauty. With every mulch spread, we paint a vibrant landscape. Your sanctuary is our canvas.

Don't just blend in. Stand out with us. Among the vast expanse of lawns, your patch will shine.

Expert Lawn Care Solutions

Discover the magic of a well-tended lawn, teeming with life and vibrancy. Our Basic Service package offers more than just mowing - it's a commitment to beauty.

Hedge Trimming

Let us elevate your lawn care experience with our Intermediate Service. From precise hedge trimming to rejuvenating mulching, your lawn will thank you.

Mulching, Pressure Washing, & Leaf Removal

Embrace the luxurious beauty of our Advanced Service. With attention to detail and a touch of artistry, your landscape will become a masterpiece.

Skeeter’s is dedicated to serving you throughout the Hampton Roads area. Give us a call and let your lawn shine!